- Physics informed machine learning accurately predicts solvent polarity
- Artificial Intelligence Predicts Carbon Capture in Green Solvents
- Investigation of Cyrene organosolv fractionation of softwood biomass and alkaline post-incubation
- Characterization and Molecular Simulation of Lignin in Cyrene Pretreatment of Switchgrass Explains Effective Delignification
- Accurate Machine Learning for Predicting the Viscosities of Deep Eutectic Solvents
- 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate production in planta affects cellulose structure and organization
- Differential deuteration in Brassica plants grown in 31% D2O enables analysis of cell wall polymers with CV-SANS
- SANS provides evidence for covalent complexes between lignin and pectin in plant cell walls
- Amphiphilic co-solvents modulate structure of membrane domains
- Artificial Intelligence Predicts Key Physical Properties of Ionic Liquids
- Artificial Intelligence Predicts Carbon Capture in Green Solvents
- An improved model of partitioning of amphiphilic co-solvents in biomembranes or SANS fitting
- Improved chemical and isotopic labeling of biomembranes in Bacillus subtilis by leveraging CRISPRi inhibition of beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (fabF)
- How improving deuteration of cellulose helps probe its molecular structure and solvent interactions
- Different solvent pretreatments result in extracted lignins with altered structures from switchgrass
- Implementation of a self-consistent slab model of a membrane bilayer structure in the SasView suite
- The critical role of lignin in biomass conversion
- Molecular mechanism of activity in hyperthermophilic versus mesophilic enzymes
- The effects of advanced organosolv pretreatment strategies on woody biomass
- Mechanisms of solvent disruption of bacterial membranes in biofuel production revealed by neutron and simulations
- Precision labeling of membrane fatty acids in bacillus subtilis and its impact on the cellular proteome and lipidome
- Role of solvents in efficient deconstruction of biomass revealed by neutron scattering and molecular simulation
- Polymer principles behind solubilizing lignin with organic co-solvents for bioenergy
- Structural changes in tension wood help explain higher digestibility
- Ultrastructure and enzymatic hydrolysis of deuterated switchgrass
- Molecular driving forces in lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction
- THF-Water solvation influence xylan hydrolysis rate and subsequent furfural product formation
- Riddhi Shah received 1st place poster award at UTK women STEM symposium
- Mechanisms of lignin glass transition revealed
- Allelopathic effects of exogenous deuterated phenylalanine
- Structural changes in tension wood help explain higher digestibility
- Brown rot fungi reveals a new approach for converting biomass to fuels and chemicals
- Segregation of organosolv solvents at the cellulose interface influences water dynamics and cellulose deconstruction
- The effect of in-vivo deuteration on structure of switchgrass lignin
- Understanding multiscale structural changes during dilute acid pretreatment of switch grass and poplar
- Poster on Hemicellulose Composites Wins Award
- Switchgrass produced with 34% deuterium substitution
- Titan Supercomputer determines molecular structure of lignin effect
- Morphological changes of biomass components occur at different stages during steam pretreatment
- High-throughput reproducible cantilever modification
- Five papers in Cellulose showcase power of neutron scattering
- HPC simulation of lignin aggregation on cellulose
- Effect of amines on disruption of cellulose
- Effect of deuteration on the structure of bacterial cellulose
- Common processes drive thermochemical pretreatment of biomass
- Simulation analysis of temperature dependence of lignin structure and dynamics
- SANS reveals pH dependent conformational changes of fungal cellulose
- Multiscale structure of lignin aggregates revealed by neutron scattering and computer simulation